I wish I could rate this a 10, well, I do, ten stars, 5 real-5 virtual, there.Sweet Home 3D Forum Category: Help Forum: Features use and tips Thread: create own design furniture etc we are gutting out a home right now that we bought and this is EXACTLY what we need for our planning, it could not have been more perfect timing to find this. What I really like is the fact that I do Blender 3-d modeling, work with Photoshop and Gimp and many other graphics softwares, this is so much easier to use as far as building a floor plan goes and with the combination of the above mentioned, I can create textures or objects to match near EXACT what I need and add them in. It's very easy to create walls, add furniture, texture, color, great 3-D view, render a picture from it, take a virtual tour, awesome. Within 10 minutes, I had a bathroom created, that's with learning how to use it as well so no, it's not tough to use but extremely versatile. Sweet Home 3D support export to PDF, bitmap or vector graphics images, videos and 3D files in several standard file formats, including SVG, MOV, OBJ, PNG and others. Other features include import of home blueprints, customizable light effects, import of background images, viewpoint markers, and more. You can move around within your plan, adjust the viewing angle and perspective, and even create a video of your virtual walkthrough. Sweet Home 3D also comes with a cool feature, called "Virtual Visit", which enables you to view your room from the perspective of a visitor. Each object can be customized and sized to resemble your actual furnishings as close as possible. An extensive library of 3D home furnishing objects comes included and you can download additional 3D models and object libraries to add to it.

The program provides an easy to use interface that lets you drag and drop furniture, doors, windows and other elements into their place. That helps you place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.

Sweet Home 3D is an Open Source interior design software